2020.03~至今 ,中国,浙江大写机械工程学院,百人计划研究员
2016.08~2020.03,新加坡,南洋理工大学,Research Fellow
1.基于激光超声的薄层材料力学和结构特性参数在线一体化定征方法研究(61401392),国家自然科学基金青年基金,2015 - 2017, 主持.
2.基于激光超声的高温态无缝钢管多参数一体化定征研究(2014M551729),中国博士后科学基金面上,2014 - 2015, 主持.
1.Jian Chen, Jing Xiao, Danylo Lisevych, Amir Shakouri, Zheng Fan*, Deep-subwavelength control of acoustic waves in an ultra-compact metasurface lens, Nature Communications, 9 : 4920, 2018.
2.i Zhou#, Jian Chen#, Liu Liu, David Fan and Yungui Ma*, Magnetic-acoustic bi-physical invisible coats for underwater objects, NPG Asia Materials, 12: 27, 2020.
3.Kun Jia, Liqiang Li, Yulong Wang, Keji Yang, Jian Chen*, Interplays between elastic particles in an ultrasonic standing wave, Applied Physics Express, 13, 027005, 2020.
4.Jian Chen, Jing Rao, Danylo Lisevych, Zheng Fan*, Broadband ultrasonic focusing in water with an ultra-compact metasurface lens, Applied Physics Letters, 114(10), 104101, 2019 (editor's pick).
5.Jian Chen, Zeqing Sun, Zheng Fan*, Groove-structured metasurface for patterned sub-diffraction sound focusing, Applied Physics Letters, 114(25), 254102, 2019.
6.ian Chen, Jing Xiao, Danylo Lisevych, Zheng Fan*, Laser-induced full matrix ultrasonic imaging of complex-shaped objects, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 66(9), 1514-1520, 2019.
7.ian Chen, Eryong Wu*, Haiteng Wu, Hongming Zhou, Keji Yang, Enhancing ultrasonic time-of-flight diffraction measurement through an adaptive deconvolution method, Ultrasonics, 96, 175-180, 2019.
8.Haoran Jin, Jian Chen*, Eryong Wu, Keji Yang, Frequency-domain synthetic aperture focusing for helical ultrasonic imaging, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 134901, 2017.
9.Senlin Zhang, Jian Chen*, Sailing He, Novel ultrasound detector based on small slot micro-ring resonator with ultrahigh Q factor, Optics Communications, 382, 113-118, 2016.
10.Haoran Jin, Jian Chen*, Keji Yang, A blind deconvolution method for attenuative materials based on asymmetrical Gaussian, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 140, 1184, 2016.
11.Haiteng Wu, Jian Chen*, Keji Yang, Xuxiao Hu, Ultrasonic array imaging of multilayer structures using full matrix capture and extended phase shift migration, Measurement Science and Technology, 27, 045401, 2016.
12.Haoran Jin, Keji Yang, Shiwei Wu, Haiteng Wu, Jian Chen*, Sparse deconvolution method for ultrasound images based on automatic estimation of reference signals, Ultrasonics, 67 , 1-8, 2015.
13.Jian Chen, Shiming Gao*, Wavelength-assignable1310/1550nm wavelength conversion using completely phase-matched two-pump four-wave mixing in a silicon waveguide, Optics Communications, 356, 389-394, 2015.
14.Haiteng Wu, Jian Chen*, Shiwei Wu, Haoran Jin and Keji Yang, A model-based regularized inverse method for ultrasonic B-scan image reconstruction, Measurement Science and Technology, 26, 105401, 2015.
15.Shiwei Wu, Martin Skjelvareid, Keji Yang, and Jian Chen*, Synthetic aperture imaging for multilayer cylindrical object using an exterior rotating transducer, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86, 083703, 2015.
16.Yongjiang Dong#, Jian Chen#, Longqiang Luo, Erik Forsberg, Sailing He, Chunsheng Yan*, Modeling and implementation of a fiber-based quartz-enhanced photoacoustic spectroscopy system, Applied Optics, 54(13), 2015.
17Jian Chen, Xiaolong Bai, Keji Yang, Bing-feng Ju*,Simultaneously Measuring Thickness, Density, Velocity and Attenuation of Thin Layers Using V(z,t) Data from Time-Resolved Acoustic Microscopy, Ultrasonics, 56(7) , 505-511, 2015, 2014.
18.Jian Chen, Xiaolong Bai, Keji Yang, Bing-feng Ju*, An ultrasonic methodology for determining the mechanical and geometrical properties of a thin layer using a deconvolution technique, Ultrasonics, 53(7), 1377-1383, 2013.
19.Jian Chen, Xiaolong Bai, Keji Yang, Bing-feng Ju*, The computations of reflection coefficients of multilayer structure based on the reformulation of Thomson-Haskell method, Ultrasonics, 52(8), 1019-1023, 2012.
20.Jian Chen, Xiaolong Bai, Keji Yang, Bing-feng Ju*, Angular measurement of acoustic reflection coefficients by the inversion of V(z,t) data with high frequency time-resolved acoustic microscopy, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83, 014901, 2012.
1.System and Method for Nanoscale Photoacoustic Tomography,美国,发明专利,US 16/088,770,2019.06, Liangzhong Xiang, Jian Chen, Pratik Samant.
2.扫描超声波显微镜同时测量薄层材料厚度、声速、密度和衰减的方法,中国,发明专利,201210042497.4, 2014.09, 居冰峰,白小龙, 吴海腾, 陈剑, 姜燕, 吴蕾。