1999.9-2003.6 浙江大学 机械工程自动化 工程学士
2003.9-2005.1 英国曼彻斯特大学 控制工程自动化 工程硕士
2005.1-2008.11 英国曼彻斯特大学 电子工程自动化 工程博士
2008.08-2011.04 爱尔兰国立大学 博士后研究员(Postdoc Research Fellow)
2011.04-2011.12 新加坡国立大学 研究员(Research Fellow)
2011.12-2013.09 新加坡MtechImaging公司 高级图像算法工程师及科研项目顾问
2013.07-2016.01 新加坡科技研究局 2级研究员(Research Scientist Ⅱ)
2016.01至今 浙江大学机械工程学院 研究员
1.红外成像(Infrared imaging)
2.多源信息融合(Multispectral sensor fusion)
3.三维重建(3D reconstruction)
4.深度学习(Deep learning)
光学领域期刊Applied Optics 2018年6月的编辑精选论文1篇
光学领域期刊Applied Optics 2013年9月的封面文章1篇
2016.8-至今 中国振动工程学会动态测试专业委会 常务委员、副秘书长
2016.8-至今 全国高校机械工程测试技术研究会,常务理事、副秘书长
2017.6-至今 Irish Machine Vision and Signal Processing Conference 会务组委员
2015.6-至今 多个国际著名期刊Applied Optics, Optics Express, Infrared Physics Technology, IEEE Photonics Journal 等审稿专家
3.2017-2019年,国家自然科学基金青年项目“复合材料结构件缺陷的红外成像检测机理研究” (项目负责人);
代表论文 (*-通讯作者, #-联合一作)
1. He, Zewei, Yang Jiangxin, Tang Siliang, Cao Yanlong, Yang Michael Ying, and Cao Yanpeng*. "Cascaded Deep Networks with Multiple Receptive Fields for Infrared Image Super-Resolution." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (2018), Accepted.
2. Cao, Yanpeng , Dayan Guan, Weilin Huang, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Yu Qiao. "Pedestrian Detection with Unsupervised Multispectral Feature Learning Using Deep Neural Networks." Information Fusion 46 (2019): 206-217.
3. He, Zewei, Yanpeng Cao*, Yafei Dong, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Christel-Loic Tisse. "Single-image-based nonuniformity correction of uncooled long-wave infrared detectors: a deep-learning approach." Applied Optics 57, no. 18 (2018): D155-D164.
4. Guan, Dayan, Yanpeng Cao*, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Christel-Loic Tisse. "Exploiting fusion architectures for multispectral pedestrian detection and segmentation." Applied Optics 57, no. 18 (2018): D108-D116. (Highlighted as an Editor's Pick Paper, Code is Available)
5. Cao, Yanlong, Mingzhou Liu, Jiangxin Yang, Yanpeng Cao, and Weinan Fu. "A method for extracting weak impact signal in NPP based on adaptive Morlet wavelet transform and kurtosis." Progress in Nuclear Energy 105 (2018): 211-220.
6. Cao, Yanpeng, Baobei Xu, Zhangyu Ye, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, Christel-Loic Tisse, and Xin Li. "Depth and thermal sensor fusion to enhance 3D thermographic reconstruction." Optics Express 26, no. 7 (2018): 8179-8193.
7. Yang, Michael Ying, Wentong Liao, Yanpeng Cao*, and Bodo Rosenhahn. "Video Event Recognition and Anomaly Detection by Combining Gaussian Process and Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Models." Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 84, no. 4 (2018): 203-214.
8. Yanlong Cao, Zewei He, Jiangxin Yang, Xiaoping Ye, Yanpeng Cao*. "A multi-scale non-uniformity correction method based on wavelet decomposition and guided filtering for uncooled long-wave infrared camera." Signal Processing: Image Communication 60 (2018): 13-21.
9. Cao, Yanpeng, Zewei He, Jiangxin Yang, Yanlong Cao, and Michael Ying Yang. "Spatially Adaptive Column Fixed-Pattern Noise Correction in Infrared Imaging System Using 1D Horizontal Differential Statistics." IEEE Photonics Journal 9, no. 5 (2017): 1-13.
10. Liu, Mingzhou, Jiangxin Yang, Yanpeng Cao, Weinan Fu, and Yanlong Cao. "A new method for arrival time determination of impact signal based on HHT and AIC." Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 86 (2017): 177-187.
11. Cao, Yanpeng, Michael Ying Yang, and Christel-Loic Tisse. "Effective Strip Noise Removal for Low-Textured Infrared Images Based on 1-D Guided Filtering." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 26, no. 12 (2016): 2176-2188.
12. Ang, Qi Yan, Hui Jen Goh, Yanpeng Cao, Yiqun Li, Siew-Pang Chan, Judith L. Swain, Christiani Jeyakumar Henry, and Melvin Khee-Shing Leow. "A new method of infrared thermography for quantification of brown adipose tissue activation in healthy adults (TACTICAL): a randomized trial." The Journal of Physiological Sciences (2016): 1-12.
13. Cao, Yanpeng, and Kay O’Halloran. "Learning human photo shooting patterns from large-scale community photo collections." Multimedia Tools and Applications 74, no. 24 (2015): 11499-11516.
14. Yong, Xuanzi, Michael Ying Yang, Yanpeng Cao, and Bodo Rosenhahn. "Descriptor evaluation and feature regression for multimodal image analysis." Machine Vision and Applications 26, no. 7-8 (2015): 975-990.
15. Cao, Yanpeng, and Yiqun Li. "Strip non-uniformity correction in uncooled long-wave infrared focal plane array based on noise source characterization." Optics Communications 339 (2015): 236-242.
16. Cao, Yanpeng, and Christel-Loic Tisse. "Single-image-based solution for optics temperature dependent nonuniformity correction in an uncooled long-wave infrared camera." Optics Letters 39, no. 3 (2014): 646-648.
17. Cao, Yanpeng, and Christel-Loic Tisse. "Shutterless solution for simultaneous focal plane array temperature estimation and nonuniformity correction in uncooled long-wave infrared camera." Applied Optics 52, no. 25 (2013): 6266-6271. (Highlighted as a Featured Cover Paper)
18. Cao, Yanpeng, and John McDonald. "Improved feature extraction and matching in urban environments based on 3D viewpoint normalization." Computer Vision and Image Understanding 116, no. 1 (2012): 86-101.
19. Yang, Michael Ying, Yanpeng Cao#, and John McDonald. "Fusion of camera images and laser scans for wide baseline 3D scene alignment in urban environments." ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66, no. 6 (2011): S52-S61.
1. Noise correction in an infra-red imaging system, WO 2014173464 A1, Christel-Loic TISSE, Yanpeng CAO.
2. Systems, methods, and apparatuses for optimizing field of view, US20180124313A1, Yanpeng CAO, Suk HONG, Tiong Han Toh, Steven Yeo, Benyong SHI, Kok Siong Teo, Brian Webb.